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serve her in the shower!

Sara Class has a cool, detached expression in her eyes as she takes a shower and looks at us. What s going through her head? Well, what I imagine is a sultry Latina on her honeymoon. Her groom has waited until after the ceremony to let her know the shocking truth that he has a heavy-duty foot and leg fetish, that he wants to be her worshipper more than her stud! At first she is not sure what to make of this. He wants to suck her toes? Lick her soles? Hug her legs and kiss her knees, and if she allows him, to lap her pussy and asshole? She d expected macho cock pounding her pussy for the next two honeymoon weeks, but instead she s discovered that she married a man who wants to get down on his knees and crawl before the beauty of her size 9 feet a SLAVE! What to do?My fantasy is that she has her hubby sit naked in the bathroom while she bathes, and orders him to tell her all about his fetish. As she peels off her robe, slides down her panties, and sho

  • 00:16:51
  • Jul 20, 2011
  • 270


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