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wanna get lucky?

Check out this enticing scene with Sexy blond Cherry Jul and ravishing redhead Lucky. I guess this is Cherry s Lucky day , literally! The girl s just went to their favorite shoe store and picked up a pair of white pump heels with hot pink straps and a pair of red high heels with red wrap around straps accentuating their tasty well manicured feet. Both girls enjoy some tongue massages for their toes and we got some great close ups of Cherry showing favoritism to a certain Lucky pinky toe that get s a major slathering. A little cunnilingus to the chocha and the roles are reversed! Now it s Lucky going for the kill at the Cherry flavored arch of our blond beauty, lickin it down like a lawn mower. She takes two at a time when their in the sixty-nine! Super close up HD shots of the red toed bandits and a zoomin of Lucky s fine heart shaped ass with Cherry s pink polished toes on top for good measure! Pheeeew, and just when you thought you saw it all, these babes take it to the

  • 00:24:12
  • Aug 18, 2011
  • 181


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