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her sins chastised

Of what sins is Candy Sweet guilty? Her mistress Angelik Duval clearly feels that she must be disciplined. Immobilized hand and foot in her nudity by duct tape on an antique gynecologist’s chair, Candy is at the mercy of the black-clad and nylon stocking-sheathed Mistress Duval, who first rips off the gray tape covering Candy’s tits and twat, then fiercely squeezes her sub’s bare nipples and pudendum. Candy cries in distress, but the chastisement continues as Mistress Duval pours a pitcher of oil all over Candy’s head, soaking her hair and letting the oil drip down along her torso. This anointment, however, is not only a method of humiliation but a necessary preparation for the fisting that is to follow in this shocking serving of lesbian bondage, with Angelik’s hand going wrist-deep into Candy’s slickened clam. Afterward, Candy sucks her mistress’s pussy, before being left alone in the stark white-tiled room, still bound to the chair to contemplate her submissive destiny as this Full HD BDSM roleplay experience in extreme sex comes to close.

  • 00:15:50
  • Dec 20, 2013
  • 262


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