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cute stocking show!

Sweet Eufrat returns for her ninth appearance on our site posing outdoors in cute thigh high stockings and matching bikini. She looks adorable with her hair in two girlish ponytails as she shows off her taut body and long legs. The striped pattern of her yellow and black stockings is almost a hypnotic one and she thrusts her legs at us in many different ways. Then she pulls aside her panty crotch and fiddles with her pussy which is always a pleasant thing to see Eufrat do... The stockings accentuate how long her legs are and when she splits them apart you ll just want to plunge between her gams and lick your way up to pussy heaven!! Laying on the grass on her tummy Eufrat shows us her shaved slit before standing up and taking off her stockings. Her hot pink polished toes look like candies and she sticks her soles in our faces for full admiration. When the stockings are off completely she sits on a lawn chair to tease us with her naked soles while cramming fingers into her snatch. You’ll love the close-ups of her toes in the foreground as she masturbates furiously in the background!

  • 00:20:56
  • Sep 07, 2011
  • 215


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