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watch and get stiff

We have an amazing boy-girl scene today! And one powerful way to enjoy the Full HD action between Czech stunner Sweet Cat and her partner is to imagine it as a POV video with YOU, the viewer, as Sweet Cat’s submissive tease-and-denial slave. Picture it, and stiffen: Miss Cat has taken YOU along to the clinic where she is going to fuck and suck her lover, Dr. Choky Ice. YOU will kneel or crouch on the floor in front of the untouchable (to YOU) Miss Cat, who is nonetheless allowing YOU to stroke your aching shaft even as she parades around the room in her gorgeous white slingback peep toe high heels, which showcase her size 9 feet and French pedicure so well. YOU will watch as Sweet Cat sucks the doctor s cock, rubs her nylon stocking-clad feet on his mouth and meat, and lets herself be banged while caressing her soles on the face of her stud. And YOU will watch as her stockings come off in this fetish XXX video and get rubbed on his rod just before she gets plowed one more time before her naked feet get coated in nasty spunk tugged out by her skillful soles. And what will YOU say when she shows off her sticky feet? Well, that s up to YOU!! Whew!! Sweet Cat earns Model of the Day kudos for this truly stimulating performance.

  • 00:19:31
  • Dec 20, 2013
  • 296


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