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bath time for lovers!

Many footmen fantasize about attending to a woman in her bath, and assisting her to wash her feet! Vanessa Jordin helps us imagine this daydream in detail today as she lounges in a bubbly tub, showing us her water-wrinkled soles and flexing her toes at us as the water pours down on them from the gold faucet.She controls the handle of that faucet with her nimble size 6 toes. She curls her soles and sticks her tootsies right at the camera, urging us to get close and admire her red-polished toenails. Rubbing her fingers over her feet--fingers which have a matching color of polish--she entwines her toes and fingers and continues to showcase her feet to our cameras, which closely follow her peds and get many different angles. Sitting on the window sill above the tub, she presents her toes for worship, running them together on top of each other, then wiggling them. She soaps her legs with the yellow washcloth, and pays careful attention to her feet until they glisten with bubbles. Standing up, she rinses the rest of her 32C-24-34 body as well. Our DDF cameras get down on the floor to shoot up, giving us great worship angles on her round soapy butt; and we also get her right foot looming over us for adoration! Then, as she crouches in the tub doggie style, our cameras shoot down and straight ahead as Vanessa presents us with her ass and feet at the same time. Afterward she stands up and rinses herself with the shower attachment. She dries her body with a fluffy orange towel, and pays special attention to her feet. They look delicious wrapped in the towel and then on the bathroom floor, cool from the water and scented from the bubbly soap! Just close your eyes and imagine bending down to give each of her toes a kiss!!

  • 00:17:07
  • Aug 29, 2012
  • 163


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