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fantastic foot fondling!

After a football game is over, it’s time for a footjob celebration! Case in point, we have cheerleader Destiny rewarding Thomas Stone for all his good plays by giving him some fantastic foot fondling! He takes off her sneakers and gives her size 6 socked feet a good sniff or two, and then it’s time to feel his sausage engulfed by her peds. The vivacious Hungarian lays across him on the couch, tugging on his johnson with her soles and toes in the white frilly socks. She even slides the head of his horn into the top of her sock next to her ankle! Thomas sucks her toes through the socks, then off come the coverings so he can enjoy her tootsies on the bare. But he’s not the only one with a fetish! It’s clear that Destiny enjoys sucking and licking her toes as well. She looks double-jointed and even as she lays on her stomach and rubs Thomas’s tool with her right foot, she licks her left one. Then she sits over him on the couch and gives him a footjob supreme with her talented toes, and Denys DeFrancesco and his camera crews capture it all in bright vivid detail for your computer screens. When Thomas’s load finally bursts, it coats her feet up to the ankles, and then in a pervy touch he puts her socks back on so we can see the gooey wetness gleaming through the fabric!

  • 00:17:57
  • Sep 14, 2012
  • 222


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