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messy fetish clinch!

Redheaded Romanian beauty Crystal Crown gets into a gooey and sticky fetish encounter with her fellow Romanian Lea Lexis! Crystal kneels in front of Lea, kissing her pussy, and then her tits; then she works her mouth along Lea’s calves and ass before she takes out a can of whipped cream and squirts it on Lea’s ass crack. Meanwhile we get lots of shots of the girls’ feet, both size 6.5, with Crystal’s in sheer black stockings and Lea’s red-polished toes naked in strappy sandals. Lea sucks the heel of Crystal’s shoe, then Crystal returns the favor by kissing Lea’s sandals, then she takes off Lea’s left heel and blasts some whipped cream on it. Crystal then sucks Lea’s toes, and Lea does the same for her friend only she sprays some whipped cream on Crystal’s stockings first. Miss Lexis looks positively ravenous as her tongue laps at Crystal’s goo-covered nylons.The gals really go wild with the whipped cream from that point, with Crystal spurting it all over Lea’s bare feet and shins, and over her own stocking-clad gams as well. The babes smush their peds in the glop, and we see it all over their soles, both bare and nylon-covered. They finger their pussies, and then they clinch together on a chair, displaying their thoroughly messy feet at us, splaying their toes as if awaiting a thorough tongue cleaning by us all!

  • 00:25:52
  • Jan 14, 2013
  • 225


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