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irresistible lady!

Sometimes it’s nice for a girl to simply lounge around in her pretty outfit, thinking about the effect she’ll have when a man comes onto the scene and sees her ensemble! We d bet that what’s going through Tiffany Rousso’s mind as she stretches out in her black-and-red bra and panties and strappy heels. Sure enough, when Choky Ice drops by, he gets a boner immediately for her shoes and size 8.5 Hungarian feet. His sucking of her heel leads to her throating of his dick, and then he takes her right toes in his mouth as she rubs his rod with her left sole. Watch this gorgeous blonde tantalize and satisfy this ready-cocked studman with her high-arched French pedicured feet, jerking his inches with her toes, caressing his balls, but even as she rides his shaft or presents her toes for more of his foot worship, remembers to look over at US and tease US with what she’s giving if telling us with the flirty expression in her eyes that she expects US to blow our loads at the same time she gets Choky to spray his! She holds his meat between her soles and sucks him, then gets him to spurt a big load all over her feet, which she shows off to us with a naughty gleam in her eye...

  • 00:22:40
  • Feb 01, 2013
  • 228


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