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their questing toes!

Sometimes even beauties like the Hungarian hotties Dorothy Black and Wivien can go out for a night of clubbing but not find any gentlemen to bring home for fun and games. And when that happens, they turn to themselves for the lesbian pleasures they also fully s not second-best by any means!In fact, maybe it’s better this way, since they both get to enjoy their sexy outfits and taut crotchless pantyhose in the suspender style. Dorothy is in the sheer black, and Wivien is in the white, and they quickly take off their backless sandals so they can caress and kiss each other’s feet in the tight nylons.Dorothy licks Wivien’s white-shod foot, which then moves down to her panties. Then Wivien licks Dorothy’s snatch while Miss Black licks her own black-nylon-clad size 7.5 foot.There’s lots of cunny-licking, and as the pantyhose comes off, Dorothy gets to savor Wivien’s bare size 6.5 peds. The girls squeeze their tits and probe their pussies with their questing toes.Lovely toenail polishes add to the scene as these two dolls entwine themselves in sapphic fetish desire!

  • 00:24:03
  • Apr 15, 2013
  • 252


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