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poolside paradise

How’d you like to do a little sunbathing with Vanessa from Poland? Well, today you get the opportunity to fantasize about lolling around at the pool with this incredibly statuesque beauty, as she lounges in her black bikini and suns that glorious 34DD-30-41 body. It would be paradise: maybe she’d want one of us to put suntan oil on her, running our hands along the slopes of her matchless mams...or maybe she’d want us to lay naked on our bellies gazing up at her and rubbing our cocks on the tiles as she looked down and teased from above with her tatas, letting them burst out of her bikini top to sway and swing before us? Then again, maybe we could just watch her splash herself with water as she leans over from the side of the pool and dips the tips of her dugs in the drink?? Vanessa really takes us around the world with her glands here, whether she’s in the pool and pressing her paps together for some exciting cleavage squeezes, or kneeling on her towel to give us sideboob and ass shots. She’s truly a Busty Legend in this great new Full HD video and big natural boobs set!

  • 00:24:56
  • Dec 08, 2013
  • 343


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