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toe troupers

Two pretty Czech girls on a blue satin bed, wearing sexy high heels on their pretty polished toes--it’s a nice way to start off this Halloween week today! Watch brunette Billy Raise and blonde Gabina entangling each other’s limbs in a passionate lesbian clinch in a scene packed with toe sucking, foot worship, and all-around fetish fun. After a little vanilla sapphic nuzzling, the babes get down to the kink, with Billy showing herself a real toe trouper sucking Gabina’s size 6 tootsies, right between her digits too, and then cramming a few of those piggies into her brightly smiling face. And Gabina shows herself very much a trouper as well, sliding Billy’s size 8.5 sweets into her pink-lipsticked mouth. The gals sniff their shoes and soles, Billy plays with Gabina’s titties with her toes, then they lay close as the scene goes wild with foot-69 and pussy-licking too. Some great shots of Gabina’s butt also, even as her soles extend outward so we can get in a few worship licks of our own!

  • 00:16:57
  • Oct 28, 2013
  • 165


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