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perversion pioneer

Women’s liberation has meant many things. It’s given females lots of the same opportunities that men have enjoyed, and not just in the professions, but in the perversions! Case in point, Billie Star’s bizarre activities in a roleplay scene with Chloé Lacourt today. Billie parks her car in a field and then opens the trunk--revealing a bound Chloé, clad only in a chemise with her wrists and ankles tied with white rope, and her pink-pedicured size 7.5 feet bare in the open for lesbian ravishment! Erotic abduction of hot babes is the kind of far-out fantasy that formerly only males seemed interested in, so watch freaky fetish pioneer Billie as she licks her captive’s soles and pussy, then rips open her pantyhose to sit on Chloé’s face. Billie quickly gets down just to her sheer beige tights and heels, and continues to savor the Lacourt peds and then takes off her own size 6.5 shoe and has Chloé sniff the inner sole. Then she has Chloé lick her feet through the pantyhose. When she’s done with her gorgeous guest, Billie closes the trunk, gathers up her clothes, and drives away as this edgy hybrid of foot fetish, taboo extreme sex, and pantyhose porn comes to a close.

  • 00:21:08
  • Dec 09, 2013
  • 259


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