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horny inventions

Hairy Twatter sweetheart, Ansie Rocher is always up for trying something new, such as taking a thick black cock for her debut set 2 years ago, so we knew she would be perfect for trying out our latest invention, a glass dildo with a video camera attached that gives a whole other close-up 3D type of perspective to oral and pussy action. The Czech brunette just can t wait to give the toy a go when we present it to her and she eagerly wraps her succulent lips, both up top and below, around it. Even with its thickness, you can pretty much see every follicle of Ansie s furry twat with the handy cam. And you ll enjoy the views of her licking her juices off in today s horny hairy porn.

  • 00:11:08
  • Nov 06, 2013
  • 157


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