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lessons to remember

Choky Ice settles in for a pleasant time at home, polishing some of the prize items in his collection of antique silver. Then his attention is drawn to the cupboard, behind the curtain of which sits curled up his naked Japanese slave, Marica Hase. He tugs her out by her leash and chastises her verbally and with a spanking for interrupting the serene flow of his thoughts in what should have been most peaceful hours of his day. We see Maricas cheeks going SPLAT under his hand, and then when he gives her a task to do and trips her, Mr. Ice has yet another excuse to discipline the poor naked slavegirl. Over his lap she goes for more painful spanking, with Maricas face contorted in agony. But Choky is only getting started, as he follows the spanking with anal penetration with a whip while she gives him a blowjob in this intense fetish XXX video, leading to ass fucking while she kneels in her handcuffs and ankle cuffs on a table. But see all the punishment, degradation, and humiliation of

  • 00:32:36
  • Nov 01, 2013
  • 780


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