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such pretty feetsies

Today Lana from Hungary relaxes at home in her living room, barefoot and casually dressed. Her pretty size 6.5 feet are on display from the git-go, as she does a little touch-up on her purple pedicure with an emery board. She sure loves her feetsies...and fortunately, her guy Thomas Stone does, too! He gives her a foot massage as she leans back and reads a magazine, and his technique includes using his tongue. You’ll see lots of great views of her soles and toes in this instant foot fetish classic as he rubs lotion on her peds, then sits back as she goes to work on his dick. You’ll see what a footjob virtuoso Lana is with her toes as she strokes his shaft and plays with his nuts with her feet, then brings her mouth into the picture for some blowjob action. Lana even sucks her toes and his cock at the same time! Whether bending over for doggie style or cuddling on the couch in the spoon position, Lana treats Thomas’s tool delightfully, but most importantly keeps looking over at us even as she gets roundly fucked and then well-spermed on her feet and ankles! Lana is our Model of the Day.

  • 00:35:40
  • Nov 01, 2013
  • 142


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