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sumptuous serving

Today Carol from the Czech Republic and Vanessa from Poland do a scene together that not only brings us lots of boob-power, but some delicious MILFiness too because the thirty-three year old Carol and the thirty-four year old Vanessa have that experienced air about them that turns cocks stiff wherever they go! Take a moment, gents: can’t you just imagine them on a shopping expedition one afternoon, having fun hanging out and trying on dresses and shoes and handbags, and then returning to the hotel room they’ve taken for the day to explore their bodies as they do in this sumptuous serving of big natural boobs? Watch them romp on a four-poster bed in their lingerie, with Carol glomming onto Vanessa’s 34DD wonders and Vanessa savoring Carol’s 34F classics! Watch their mams pancake as they lay back sensuously on the quilt! And kick back with your cocks in hand as we present from every angle four of the finest floppers on the busty pornstar scene with the additional pleasure of a vibrator getting a titty fuck from Vanessa while she crams the rest of the toy into Carol’s asshole! WOW is the word for their ready-to-download XXX video!

  • 00:38:00
  • Oct 22, 2013
  • 816


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