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sock-filled afternoon

Stylishly dressed Hungarian beauty Madlin comes back from a shopping expedition today and can’t wait to show her barefoot roommate Hannah Sweet what she’s purchased: cotton knee socks! So temporarily Hannah’s very pretty polished toes are covered by gray socks, and Madlin nibbles on them through the fabric as she takes off her coat and gets more comfy on the bed. Hannah sucks on Madlin’s size 7.5 toes too, and the gals rub each other’s pies through their underpants as our DDF cameras hover above in this fetish XXX video packed with foot worship. Hannah really gets into sucking on Madlin’s feet, before sliding some black patterned new socks on them. Then she enjoys Madlin’s peds through the socks, before the girls decide they want barefoot action again and the socks come off so that Madlin can fuck Hannah’s clam and rosebud with her feet. You’ll love the views of Hannah’s colorful toes curling as she kneels to take in Madlin’s probing tootsies. It all ends with a final shot of their feet cuddling together, presumably waiting for a few blasts of our happy sauce!

  • 00:29:12
  • Apr 07, 2014
  • 241


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