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flirty in her boots

If you like cuties in Ugg boots or similar styles--a lot of guys have a yen for gals wearing them--you’ll get a special kick out of this new scene of award-winning Hungarian star Cayenne Klein today. Relaxed and in a flirty mood as she chills in her casual clothes on a couch, this glamour porn model wears a pair of that aforementioned type of footwear, as well as a gray tee-shirt and blue denim cut-offs. She peels the duds off with her usual girl-next-door-style enthusiasm, showing us her perky top and that sweet, mostly shaved pie. Taking out a purple pocket rocket, she plays with herself in her Full HD video, with her cut-offs bunched around her ankles. But the shorts soon come off and she buzzes herself to a climax with her long bare legs spread, but her feet still warm and toasty in those boots.

  • 00:13:27
  • Apr 06, 2014
  • 234


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