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tongue & finger adventure

Nothing like a pair of UK honeys hot and horny and reeling to go to get your wood ready for action. Doesnt matter that there into each other, thats what wanking s for and the British invented that word. Low and behold as two tantalizing pop-tarts of the female species Lexi Lowe and Emma Leigh get down and go down on each other in this sexy Girl Girl tongue and finger adventure! Lots of Pussy sucking, licking, and finger banging ensue as these girls barely mutter a word and just get into the mix, peeling panties off with teeth, and enjoy servings of each others Pink tacos as gasps of their pleasure fill the room. Soon in UK style the girls begin the dirty talk while licking and rubbing one another into juicy climax!

  • 00:13:47
  • Apr 17, 2014
  • 256


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