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better than a book

You want to read a book. It’s nice to read a book every once in awhile. Nice even to shut off the computer and smartphone and live life for a day, 1980s style! But sometimes the best laid plans of mice and book-loving men are put awry, to paraphrase what famous poet Robert Burns said. Yes, there is a time for tomes and then there is a time for fellatio as administered by lovely new faces like Tina Hot, who looks positively scrumptious down on her knees before your big dick as she gives you all the cock sucking and balls licking that you could require to justify putting down your volume for a more fleshy pursuit. Enjoy the skills Tina demonstrates in these sexy blowjob pics as she sheds her bra and bares her pretty titties too as she leads up to a facial cumshot in a POV video that will make you forget about words on paper for several hours at least!!

  • 00:18:30
  • Mar 18, 2014
  • 279


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