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tantalizing mistress

Dressed like a dominatrix, the gorgeous Lorena from Spain demonstrates how a mistress does not need anything other than the glass handle of her whip to get satisfaction in a pinch. Tantalizing us with her curvaceous body in a revealing black outfit that showcases her back and butt-crack, she also shows off her size 6 feet before focusing on her mostly shaved pussy, over which she wears no panties. She licks the glass handle of her flogger, and then inserts it into her snatch and ass. What a beautiful body she has, what a sexy face, and how cruel she is to deny us the gift of pleasuring her!! No, she’d rather drive us crazy with her incredible derriere and delicious red-polished toes in strappy heels, making us watch her masturbate. But where will that whip be used after she reaches her climax...on a slave’s ass? Let your daydreams begin with this fetish XXX video and kinky pics!

  • 00:18:23
  • Apr 11, 2014
  • 271


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