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rear-end punishment

Sandra Luberc lays on the couch at the mercy of her mistress Lindsey Olsen. Sandras very pretty feet, with orange-polished toenails, are bound, as are her wrists. Lindsey comes home and immediately starts chastising her slave, who was unruly in the morning and hence was restrained when Lindsey went out on some business appointments. Mistress Lindsey puts Sandra over her lap for an over-the-knee spanking as this fetish XXX video heats up, and then stands the slave up for a different smacking angle on her butt. Next its time for rear end punishment of the penetration kind. A huge double-dong gets lubed in Sandras mouth and is then crammed first into her shaved pussy, then her asshole. Her anal gape is shocking--almost like a meteor crater! After a brief timeout, back into her ass goes the dong, just to make sure she is left with an even wider gape. Then Mistress Lindsey takes mercy on her sub and lets the sphincter rest while Sandra laps at her rulers clit and hopes for further lenie

  • 00:24:13
  • Mar 14, 2014
  • 245


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