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housemate to housewife: dominant ftm trans roommate feminizes you into his wife

Step into your new role as my male housewife in this POV domination roleplay!

I ve been the breadwinner of our two-man household for a while now, and it doesn t seem fair to me that I work so hard while you contribute so little. You re my friend, so I have what I think is a fair proposal for both of us: quit your job and commit to taking care of the house...and me. Instead of my roommate, you ll be, well, my housewife. I ll dress you in fishnets and frilly outfits, and you ll never have to clock in to some crummy job...

The next day is your first major lesson in serving me. I get home from work, tired and ready to relax, which is your cue to be on your knees with an open mouth. I m not sure if this is your first time doing this, but it doesn t matter: I ll train you up to *my* standards. You are going to learn how to express your appreciation for all my hard work providing for you, by worshipping my cock and balls every night. This is your first lesson, from licking and k

  • 00:16:13
  • Mar 22, 2025
  • 9

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