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like stepfather like stepson ? - part 1 - immeganlive

This is a multi-part taboo story! I m your step-mother that s married to your step-father. Middle of the night, I come to your room wearing seductive Lingerie dissatisfied about your step-father, his dick going limp after cumming too fast and even taking blue pill! You just lay there and let me have my way with your dick. You wanted to bury your face in between those huge tits! You weren t sure what you would be able to do so you lay still as I continued with my stroking skills. Then it happened, your worst nightmare. As I gently rubbed the underside of your dick, you spurted. Let your cum fly out as if it was the first time your dick was ever touched. Here this sexy woman was desiring a hard young cock in her hand and you gave her nothing more than a limp dick like your step-dad. My disappointment showed immediately as I said I was worthless and I now needed to go find myself a real cock. Like step-father like step-son I said, those dreaded words will remain in your brain. ALL CHARA

  • 00:13:34
  • Mar 22, 2025
  • 8

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