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workout babes gone wrong! trainer exposed: pants off cpr emergency

I go over to my trainer Lora s place for a fun workout today - I am following her lead. Lots of squats and jumping jacks to really get our rate going. We are going for a good while when all of a sudden, I see Lora suddenly losing their air - She says she is okay but next thing I know she is on the ground! I immediately jump into action - this has never happened to me before but I know i need to call the ambulence and try to do CPR. So that is exactly what i do. I do the mouth to mouth, and i do the chest compressions, and I can feel my air filling her lungs and coming back out her nose. Somehow... our tops and bottoms come off during this. I tell Lora it is because I needed something to put her head, but I really just wanted to finally see my super hot trainer naked especially since she got her new big fake boobs. It might be my last chance! But, alas, I am very good at what i do, and I get lora up and at it again.

work out, yoga shorts, booty shorts, squats, jumping jacks, str

  • 00:10:32
  • Mar 22, 2025
  • 4

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