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sorority slut hazing: tied, spanked and stretched

Miss Elise is thrilled to break in the new sorority slut Lita, and she wastes no time as the damsel is bound completely naked on the bondage horse with tight rope. She is wearing shiny high heel boots and a very very short school girl skirt that is NOT appropriate. Elise giggles as she inspects and informs Lita about what is going to happen to her. She is to be hazed: inspected, spanked and her holes stretched and fucked. Lita is eager to prove herself as Elise warms up her pale round ass with a few whacks of her paddle before tying the girls’ ponytail tightly back behind her with a strict rope hair bondage tie.
Once she is satisfied with the positioning of Lita’s beautiful face, Elise takes her time stretching her mouth and nose open with a set of Japanese face hooks. Lita starts to drool immensely and moan with pleasure at the feeling of her holes being stretched wide open and put on display. Elise thinks she needs more and proceeds to give this babe further spankings and canings

  • 00:29:27
  • Mar 20, 2025
  • 23

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