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worshiping my feet as a goddess

I walk into the room, commanding attention in my bright red shiny vinyl dominatrix dress and red high heels, to find Kylo Chang kneeling at the foot of my bed, waiting like a good boy. I take my place on the bed, with a padded bench between us, adorned with lotion and leather cuff restraints. After securing Kylo s wrists, I instruct him to address me as Goddess for this scene, asserting my dominance.

As I sit back and place my red heels on the bench, I ponder what task to assign Kylo. My feet, sore from a day in heels, cry out for attention. Kylo eagerly removes my shoes and begins to lick and suck my feet, showing dedication to his role. I encourage him to be more vigorous, and he complies without hesitation. Praise is given for his obedience, and I remind him that I have two feet, ensuring he attends to both equally.

In a tease, I withdraw my feet, only to have Kylo resume his worship. Seeking a different angle, I flip onto my stomach, presenting my huge round ass to hi

  • 00:10:55
  • Mar 23, 2025
  • 2

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