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piss drinking adriana sweetblonde throatfucked until she breaks

She s a beautiful, shy, sexy model who has a dark side where she longs to be degraded and used like a piece of fuckmeat!
She gags on the cock and spews spit into a glass - which she drinks.
She takes hot, yellow piss in her mouth and swallows it - then she spews it up and drinks it again.
She is pushed hard onto the cock, her throat torn and ruined and it makes her question her life choices - but she does it because she s a slut and she wants to make daddy happy.
She takes spit in her mouth and on her face because she s worth it.
She is slapped like a whore because it makes daddy hard and her feel special.
Her cunt is fucked hard and you can see the pain on her face, then she takes more piss into her tummy and makes herself throw it up again.
She eats the old man s ass and takes a huge load of cum dumped into her eager mouth to eat.
With bonus extra SLOW MOTION Piss, Throatfucking and Cumshot!

  • 01:26:07
  • Mar 14, 2025
  • 848

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