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blue-eyed bone drainers

We dont like that overused word iconic but every once in awhile along comes a scene that captures, yes, an iconic fantasy, in this case the notion of two beautiful blue-eyed girls taking a tool in hand and mouth and draining it right onto their pretty tongues even as they look directly into our own orbs almost the whole time. Thats what we get today as those two ultra-gorgeous gals from the United Kingdom, blonde Lexi Lowe and auburn-tressed Emma Leigh aka Emma, get their grip on the gristle of the very lucky Sabby, who basically just has to lean back as these two delectable confections of femininity go to work on his bone and give it all the incredible cock sucking, balls licking, and deepthroat any mortal man could take without exploding in five seconds flat!! Yes, Sabby is a hero to us all, because he holds out as long as possible for these sexy blowjob pics and Full HD video so that we in the audience will be able to feast on the sight of these two beautiful birds (to use l

  • 00:21:23
  • Mar 06, 2014
  • 282


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