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she ll daze & drain ya

That lusty legend Joanna Bliss really outdoes herself in yet one more solo scene for our semen-drenched record books. Be here today as this top-heavy Romanian star stands before us outdoors in a simple yet tasteful low-cut dress, which gives her ample opportunity to tantalize us with views of the deep line of her 36H cleavage which gets breast men’s tongues running hotly over dry lips in anticipation of hours of fantasy about sucking, slurping, and sperming. Joanna pushes her knobs toward us with her upper arms, fabulous globes which promise so much ecstasy, and she hasn’t even yet taken them out of the bodice in her pics and video!! But when she finally does get down to it, after peeling off her frock and bra, those soft voluminous va-va-vooms are bare before us in all the wonder of Full HD video and high resolution pics, making it seem she’s right here in the room with us as she spreads her lady lips and smiles at our happy consternation about what to squirt over first!! Suffice to say, Joanna Bliss is a truly fine model who knows instinctively, like all the greats do, just what we want to see. And whether she’s pressing her paps outward with her arms and looking over her shoulder at us, or pancaking her pretties as she lays on her back, she gets us tugging until we’re dazed and drained!

  • 00:22:23
  • Mar 06, 2014
  • 248


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