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samantha chubby latina non-nude sfw smoking clips pt 1

Samantha loves smoking cigarettes. She has made a mixed video combining a few of her smoking clips to share with all of us. In her clips not only does she smoke the entire time, but she loves to talk about her smoking experiences. Like the first time she smoked, what got her into smoking, other random topics, and of course smoking tricks. She talks about smoking tricks and is also willing to try a few of them. With every drag she takes huge draws and blows out massive clouds of smoke. She also often just lets her ashes grow until they fall off the cigarette on their own. This is a safe for work video with no nudity.

Tags: Blake Blaze, Blake Blaze Studios, Samantha, non-nude, sfw, no nudity, teen 18+, black hair, chubby, heavy smoker, chain smoker, deep drags, deep inhales, smokey room, smoking, smoking girl, cigarettes, cigs, smokes, smoking encouragement, smoking addiction, long drag, smoke, smoke out nose, smoking fetish, smoking stories, vintage, vintage porn

  • 00:09:30
  • Jan 29, 2025
  • 4

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