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sex, cum and pissing in an ibiza quarry

After a photo shoot in the ancient quarry Sa Pedrera de Cala D Hort on the island of Ibiza, I was naked, excited and sexually frustrated... Most of the visitors to the quarry had already left and I began to masturbate)
The photographer realized that I needed to be fucked, put the camera down and started to fuck me from behind! His dick was pounding me to the hilt, and his balls were slapping my clit, intensifying my orgasm!
Exhausted from dozens of strong orgasms, I knelt down and offered my mouth...
But he dumped most of his cum on my face!!
And then, a satisfied slut, with a finished face and a mouth full of sperm, pissed right there - in front of the people who were looking at me from above))

  • 00:16:51
  • Apr 16, 2025
  • 0

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