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girlfriend mya locca diapers you and then herself

You get home & your sweet GF Mya Locca has a surprise laid out for you. She s got 2 diapers ready to go, so let s get your pants off & lie down. She unfolds a super cute ABDL diaper for you, slides it underneath you, wipes and powders you before taping you up nice and secure. Oh wait! Before she tapes you up, she slides a vibrating butt plug up your hole; so hotttt! Then she unfolds a cute Tykables for herself, sliding it under, wiping herself and then taping it up sexily as you watch. Let s have a nice time chilling on the couch both diapered... she reaches over and diaper checks you... omg it s wet AND you re hard under there. hehe. She stands to show off her diaper, running her hands over it. THen a quick 1 minute behind the scenes where she talks about what it feels like to wear her first diaper ever.

  • 00:09:58
  • Jan 27, 2025
  • 10

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