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applaud and spurt

Imagine today that you are a talent scout for a ballet company, auditioning new dancers for a worldwide tour with a program of top repertory. Aleska Diamond shows up in your studio and it seems that her qualifications as a classic performer are obscured by the stunning sizzle of her 34B-25-36 Hungarian body in her snug outfit. Indeed, it quickly becomes apparent in her Full HD erotic video and nude pics that she is here not to dance Swan Lake but to entrance you with her sensual appeal, unveiling her mouthwatering breasts and her flowery core until you are weak and befuddled. When she takes out a huge pink vibrator, slips it into her mouth and then re-locates it down in her labia, you can only clap and shout “Brava!!” between strokes of your cock as she satisfies herself beautifully on the floor of the studio. Yes, you’ll both applaud and spurt for Aleska Diamond!

  • 00:16:15
  • Mar 02, 2014
  • 225


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