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fuck the wife or her sister? why not both!

John s wife Paris is out of town, so he calls over Tearis, her twin sister, to fuck. After some pussy eating, fingering, squirting and a blowjob they are fucking doggystyle when Paris unexpectedly comes home. Tearis has to run hide in the bathroom to keep from being caught. Paris is frustrated about her flight being cancelled and wants to fuck. She rides him cowgirl till she gets off and John cums all over her pussy then goes upstairs to make some calls. Tearis comes out of the bathroom and starts to leave but John wants to finish fucking her so they do. Tearis orgasms again, John cums on her ass and Tearis sneaks away without her sister even knowing she was there.

  • 00:19:05
  • Jan 25, 2025
  • 2

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