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cock released from lock for 2 ruined orgasms

You are lying on the couch. Your cock is locked with a lock. Yes, you heard right. A lock closes your penis through the hole of the Prince Albert piercing. I get the keys from a safe that only I can open.

A special moment for you, for which you have long been eagerly waiting. You already don t know how your cock feels because it s always locked in the cage.

There is only one reason for me to let you out of the cage. I want to make you horny so that you can t get used to chastity. You should want to get horny without being able to and not just forget your cock. You should always be reminded that I control you.

Then I will make you horny. You get the right sex for you. Dilatation. This is the only penetration you get. I jerk you and keep you erect.

But just before it gets the best, just before the sperm would squirt out, I stop. With this I milk you without you getting an orgasm. Twice I get with a ruined orgasm even the last drop out of you.
After that, of

  • 00:43:39
  • Jan 21, 2025
  • 18

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