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real estate agent ksenia gets a rough fucking while showing a house

Ksenia, a stunning real estate agent, is showing a potential client through a beautiful model home. As they tour the spacious living areas, Ksenia s client can t keep his eyes off her, his gaze roaming over her curves with a hunger that makes her skin prickle. Unbeknownst to Ksenia, the man has other intentions than simply viewing the property. In the master bedroom, he corners her, his hands roaming over her body as he pushes her onto the bed. Ksenia, caught off guard, tries to protest, but the man s insistent kiss muffles her words. He tears off her clothes, revealing her sheer black pantyhose, and wastes no time in ripping them down her legs.

  • 00:12:51
  • Jan 21, 2025
  • 15

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