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desperate to pee vika vs straitjacket

Sexy Vika is super desperate to pee, nursing her full bladder EXCEPT she s bound in a straitjacket! If she can somehow wiggle her way out of it, she can use the bathroom. It s a harrowing journey and so difficult since she can t use her hands to grab her crotch, so she tries other methods of holding, aka. doing a very frantic pee pee dance! She s great at showing how desperate she is with her actions & verbally talking about it. Oh no, she s pissing her jeans & it ALL flows out! 2 angles capture it as she helplessly wets her skintight jeans. You can even see how YELLOW her piss is on the floor. Then, she talks about the scene and peels off her pissy jeans to show her wet cotton panties & her hair almost goes into her pee puddle on the floor! Super sexy omorashi and jeans wetting.

  • 00:10:40
  • Jan 21, 2025
  • 5

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