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how cruel to tease!

Ivana Sugar is about to go out on a date this afternoon, but she’s decided to tease us foot slaves for a little while first! It amuses her to see us squirm and squirt before her size 6 beauties, especially when she knows WE know that she’s probably going to be roundly fucked later after her photo and video shoot by some hung stud or other. Oh, you’re such a cruel tease, Miss Ivana!! Which isn’t to say this clever foot mistress doesn’t deliver the goods to our throbbing gonads in her video, as she poses first in her elegant blue satin peep toe pumps and then thrusts her nylon stocking covered toes at us, so that we can stare and stroke at her immaculately polished red toenails. Constantly flaunting her taut Ukrainian body, showing us her snatch even as she thrusts her flexing soles at our faces, she primes her pie with a vibrator even as she slides off the nylons to tantalize us with her bare feet. You’ll go wild for her high arches and the slick surface of her soles as she presents them as a shelf for your spurting sperm!!

  • 00:28:17
  • Feb 19, 2014
  • 219


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