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sweet on you

Well, its New Years Eve, and Anastasia Sweet from France is here to help us usher it in! Break out the champagne, guys! Dressed up in a big fluffy white hat that matches her white fur jacket, Miss Sweet is otherwise pretty much uncovered, clothed only in a black-and-white lace bra and matching thong and white wedgie booties. Makes it all the easier for her to show off her 34DDD/E cleavage and that taut tight tush.
As the clock ticks down to the arrival of a fresh months, this busty pornstar gives us a boobie show supreme in her new exclusive Full HD big breast sex video!
After teasing us with her cleavage, she sloowwwwly slides down the boulder-holder to showcase those beautiful bare melons, the big nipples ready to be sucked just as her cleavage is primed to be plowed and creamed by a cock!
We hope she finds some good long meat to satisfy her holiday horniness!
Anastasia moves around on a couch, inflaming us further as she peels down her thong to get us drooling over h

  • 00:19:14
  • Dec 30, 2014
  • 264


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