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my 18 year old maid

The other day I called the maid service, expecting them to send me my usual maid, Maria. However, instead of Maria, they sent me her 18 year old daughter. My usual maid is already used to my requests. I had no idea how her daughter would react. I decided to go ahead and ask anyways. When I asked her to clean my house naked, she was first confused. But when I flashed some money in front of her, she quickly began to change her mind. She walked around completely in the nude as she cleaned my house. there came a point where I just couldn’t contain myself anymore. So I offered her more money for her to let me fuck her. She eventually agreed, and this is where the real fun began. I fucked my 18 year old maid all over my kitchen. Stretching her tight little pussy with every stroke, making her beg for my cum. Finally a busted all over her face bringing a smile to her face. When all of this was done, it was time to make sure that she finished cleaning up.

  • 00:47:33
  • Jul 27, 2020
  • 430


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