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inter-oral office antics

Heres the winning scene of our member request contest, brought to life with those exciting models Abbie Cat and Laura Orsolya aka Laura M! They play two lazy secretaries whod prefer to file their nails and put their nylon stocking feet up on their desks instead of paying attention to their jobs. But when their boss Mugur calls them into his office and takes them to task for their slothful ways, well...we realize exactly what he really hired them for!! Not word processing, thats for sure. Because to stay in his good graces, these wild girls quickly sink to their knees and demonstrate their loyalty to his cum-pany in a hardcore XXX video that captures lots of juicy threesome action. Watch the ladies faces get filled with meat, with Abbie doing some fine ball licking too. Laura rides his prick cowgirl style, but then the two secretaries kneel on the couch and present their pussies as a warm-up for the anal porn action that follows when Abbie takes dick-tation in her derriere. A creamy

  • 00:36:49
  • Nov 30, 2013
  • 611


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