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perfect celebration

Melanie Gold is fully in the Valentine’s Day mode as she lounges around in her red lingerie on the bed, surrounded by balloons. Her man Thomas Stone arrives and he has a surprise she’s been waiting for: an engagement ring! It looks so pretty on her slender hand. But there’s something else going on here today: Thomas has a replica of her ring wrapped around the base of his big dick!! Not that she’d need any kind of coaxing to get down to the skilled cock sucking and deepthroat that Melanie is going to bring to their wedded bliss. She gives him a full demonstration of her talents, peeling off her lingerie as she proceeds to treat him to the balls licking he is going to enjoy time and again in the conjugal state. Study these sexy blowjob pics to see what we mean! Melanie worships that meat, rubbing her cheek against its girth and dripping her saliva down the shaft, until finally she earns a big Valentine’s Day load right on her pretty pink tongue!

  • 00:22:07
  • Feb 13, 2014
  • 167


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