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petite blondie ashley tee s hottest joi and masturbation

Hot blonde Ashley Tee is searching for jobs in her room, wearing stunning black lingerie. She wants to give you a show like last time, but she won t let you fuck her as she knows you love it so much. She slowly removes her bra, revealing her pink perky titties to tease you, and soon begins rubbing her juicy pink pussy while asking you to play with your dick. Ashley gives you JOI, excited to see your big horny cock. She instructs you to stroke your dick fast and slow, even spitting on it for added pleasure. As she rubs her pink pussy, she strips off her bra to play with her sexy small tits and sensitive nips and asks you to keep stroking while she masturbates. Finally, she starts a countdown, reaching her climax just as she asks you to give her all your hot slimy cum.

  • 00:21:56
  • Jul 01, 2025
  • 0

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