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cute with her bow

Imagine being set up by a matchmaker for a date and arriving to find Foxy Di, a fetching nineteen year old Russian honey, waiting for you in full “cosplay” mode today! Wow!! Cosplay is the term for the Japanese-invented fashion of dressing up in sexy antique styles, like pre-feminist Victorian era bows and frills and dresses. Our girl looks so cute in her aquamarine flower print frock, which she sweetly lifts up in her Full HD video to reveal her colorful lacy panties, and the delectable shaved slit below. Laying back on a green table that contrasts brightly with the shades of her clothing, Foxy Di spreads her thighs wide, bracing her feet in their platform heels and ankle socks. She gives us an unforgettably cute, flirty, and arousing show--especially when she shows off the startling smoothness of her girlish crotch--and never musses the gorgeous bow in her hair!

  • 00:11:44
  • Feb 14, 2014
  • 352


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