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delectable treasures

Foxy feisty Nicole Vice lounges around on a bed today, tantalizing us with her chesty abundance in the low-cut top of her camisole and her bewitching thighs under her short colorful skirt. Lifting her hem, she invites us to peek at her lacy scanty, and pulling down her top she gets us to ogle her knockers in the snug bra. But this Czech beauty is only getting started, as she unveils her mostly shaven mound, which has a seductive little lawn of neatly trimmed pubic hair on top. Soon enough she discards the lingerie and our DDF cameras come in very tight as she pulls apart her cheeks to reveal every last inch of her delectable treasures. Ooh boy, those doggie style poses are potent medicine for our pricks!! Take a tour of Nicole in her Full HD video and you’ll agree!

  • 00:15:40
  • Feb 05, 2014
  • 179


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