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forgettable dicklet feat astrodomina

Hey there my small dicked bitch boy. Do you want me to tell you just how tiny you are? Well, listen up!

Everybody knows Goddess Sydney is a size queen. She loves nothing more than a huge, juicy, massive cock! And unfortunately for you, you were not one of the men who was born well endowed. Even average dicks aren t enough for her but you? You aren t even close to average! To prove it, she even shows you an example of a photo of a big dick next to a picture of your own tiny dick that you sent her. It s not even the same ball game, shrimpy!

Oh what, did your little dick twitch when she called you shrimpy? Hahaha of course it did. Because your dick could never get hard even attempting to satisfy someone like her, so instead it only reacts when it gets ridiculed and humiliated. Well she s more than happy to make fun of that tiny cock of yours. That truly is a pindick, she s seen clits that are bigger than you! How pathetic do you feel seeing her hold up photos of real men s c

  • 00:11:38
  • Dec 05, 2024
  • 19

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