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friendzone to slavezone feat astrodomina

Just because I m single on Valentine s day, doesn t mean you get to escape the friendzone!

You have been friends with Sydney for a long time. You invited her over to your place where you surprised her with a romantic dinner. It is Valentine s Day and you are both single for the first time ever. You ve always been standing on the sidelines, waiting for your turn to court Sydney, even when you had your own girlfriends. Those girls meant nothing of course.

Sydney was always the one. And tonight you can finally tell her what she means to you. Her reaction is not really what you expected. She doesn t really turn you down, but instead of you becoming her boyfriend, it turns out she has other plans for you. You get to continue paying for all of her needs - or friends with financial benefits as she calls it - and you get to become her permanent slave.

It s better than nothing at all right? All you can do is accept your new role in Sydney s life.

  • 00:15:20
  • Nov 28, 2024
  • 95

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