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jasmine wolff s horrible boss

1) An Evening at home/Voyeur

The CEO has made a duplicate key to his assistant s apartment. Jasmine Wolff comes home as her boss secretly watches her. She sensually undresses until completely naked except for her classic high heel pumps. She puts on lipstick, puts her hair up and walks through the apartment in the nude in her high heels. Returning to the bedroom grabs a dildo and masturbates to orgasm while her boss is watching and stroking his cock. When she finishes, her boss walks up to her and gives her a facial.

2) A Handjob in the Shower and a BJ on the Couch

Jasmine is at a conference with her boss and comes back into her hotel room after having a swim in the hotel pool. She wears a tiny bikini and high heels. Her hair is up and she wears glasses. She strips her bikini but keeps her stilettos on because she feels sexy crossing her legs and dangling her heels. Jasmine is ready for a shower in high heels. She masturbates and loudly cums. Her boss appears naked

  • 00:59:21
  • Nov 19, 2024
  • 21

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